Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Health Benefits of Shitake Mushrooms

Mushrooms are a fungus, a type of living organism that has no roots, leaves, flowers or seeds.  Shitake mushrooms are native to Asia and grown in forests. Shitake mushrooms have been used by the Chinese for its medicinal properities for over 6,000 years. 

Here are some of shitake mushroom's health benefits:
  • Protects against cardiovascular diseases
  • Boosts immune system and slows down immune system response, when necessary
  • Shitake mushrooms activate special cells we have that remove potentially cancerous cells
  • Good non-animal source of protein and iron
  • Good source of Vitamin B and dietary fiber
  • Shitake mushrooms are a great food choice in terms of sustainable agriculture (look for shitake mushrooms that are "forest farmed")
Look for mushrooms that are firm, plump and clean. Those that are wrinkled or have wet slimy spots should be avoided. The best way to store loose shiitake mushrooms is to keep them in the refrigerator in a loosely closed paper bag. They will keep fresh for about one week.

*Be careful to not overcook shitake mushrooms as they will loose their nutrients.  We recommend that when you sautee mushrooms, to only cook for 5-10 minutes.

Check back in with us on Friday, where we will be posting a recipe using quinoa and sauteed shitake mushrooms and basil.


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