Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Dad's Health Tip of the Week - Heart Healthy Supplements

We have all heard about ways to keep your heart healthy by exercise and diet. Basically mixing aerobic with weight training 3 times per week and eating a balanced diet will do it for most people. 

The confusion comes in when we talk about supplements. There are thousands of articles out there that recommend different supplements and if you listen to every recommendation you will have a cabinet filled with nothing but supplements. Here is what I recommend taking in conjunction with a proper diet and exercise. 

#1. Get on a good quality multi vitamin that is potent in B vitamins and contains Resveratrol and plant based minerals. Resveratrol has been shown to be very beneficial to the heart and plant based minerals are more easily absorbed then the hard minerals found in most vitamin supplements.

#2. Take fish oil. Fish oil has many benefits including elevating your HDL (good cholesterol). 

#3. Take a good natural cholesterol formula. I highly recommend a product called Heart Savior. This product has a combination of ingredients that has shown to reduce LDL and raise HDL. I personally know people who have had great results taking this product and a local doctor sends his patients into my store to buy it. These patients are the ones that will not take cholesterol medications due to the side effects.

As with all supplements I don’t recommend taking them every day. I am a strong believer in not letting your body get used to the same thing day in and day out. What I recommend is taking them every other day or third day and then 2 days in a row then skip a day…..you get the idea - just mix it up. If you have a day where your diet is off, take them that day.  Alternatively, skip the supplements if you followed your diet that day.

Here are the brands and supplements I recommend:
#1. Incredible Life liquid multi vitamin
#2. Krill oil by Now
#3. Heart Savior

All these products can be purchased at www.physicaladdictions.com 


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