Monday, January 21, 2013

Crock Pot BBQ Chicken

We made this for dinner Sunday night - I wanted to try out this different way of using the crock pot I found on pinterest.  I read here about using foil to keep foods separate in the crock pot but cooking at the same time. (I always thought your only option in a crock pot was porridge-like substances!)

The chicken and potatoes tasted great!! We will definitely use this trick again!!


bbq chicken
2 bone-in chicken breasts
chicken stock
salt/seasoning for chicken
bbq sauce

chicken stock
salt seasoning
(add your favorite vegetables too)

  1. Place chicken breast in the crock pot
  2. Fill the crock pot with chicken stock so it is covered about 1"
  3. Season the chicken with salt & seasonings
  4. Cover chicken with bbq sauce
  5. Cook on low for ~2.5 hours
  6. Create a small foil tray for the potatoes 
  7. Cut yukon potatoes into pieces and place in foil try
  8. Cover with salt seasoning and a small amount of butter
  9. Move bbq chicken to one side of the crock pot and place in the foil tray with potatoes
  10. Continue to cook on low for ~3 hours


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