Sunday, October 16, 2011

Dad's Health Tip of the Week - Protein

I work in a sport nutrition store in Florida and one of the most common questions I get is “what kind of protein should I take”? Proteins are judged by their biological value (BV), which means how much of it is absorbed and utilized by your body. The higher the BV, the better.

The highest BV protein is Whey Isolate. This is a milk protein that has been filtered down to where all the fat and lactose has been removed leaving the purest and most easily digested protein your body can use. The only thing you have to consider when taking it is that you don’t want to take too much in one serving. Whey Isolate is so quickly absorbed that any more than 25 – 30 grams at a serving will be wasted because your body can not utilize more than that at one time. I recommend mixing it with milk because milk contains casein that slows down the absorption and makes it more of a time released protein. The best time to take your protein is within one hour after your workout. This is when your body will uptake the protein and deliver it to the muscles with the most efficiency.

Whey Protein Isolate (WPI) is the best protein but it shouldn’t be your only source. There are many other types of protein such as eggs, soy, quinoa, beef, chicken, and fish to name a few. I recommend that supplementing protein should only be about 25% of your daily intake with the rest coming from food sources. As a rule of thumb you need about 1 gram of protein per lb of body weight per day.

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